You can find & share photos & videos about
- Church conferences
- Gospel concerts
- Music covers
- Crusades
- Retreats
- Seminars
- Christian clothing
- Youth meetings
- Business events
- Book launches
- Ordinations
- Bible schools
- Bootcamps
- Christian movies
- & many more
To fully level up your experience
Pro Benefits
- Profile page personalization
- Unlimited upload size
- High customer support
- Advanced notifications
- Search filter options
- Story post
- Flyer post
- Event chat
- Quickly event customization
- Upload multiple flyers in a post
- Data analytics
- Video post
- Event link
- Event FAQ
- Event promotion
About Us
Welcome to GlobalFindr! The Global platform app where you can find and share Church events worldwide. It’s a free photo and video sharing app available on iPhone and Android. We are a community where users can upload photos and videos and share them with their followers through God centered content. They can also view, comment and like events. We gather people from different nationalities and backgrounds on one platform to advance the Kingdom of God.
If you’re searching for an Christian event near you or if you are organizing an event and are struggling to create awareness? GlobalFindr could be the game-changer you need!